(The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod)
Alma, Kansas
A family united by faith in Christ gathering around God's Word and Sacraments.
To reach out in Christ-like concern and Christ-borne love to each other and to those without Christ!

2017 Church Remodel
(new ceiling & painted)
The updating of the church for our 150th anniversary celebration got an early start thanks to an annoymous donor. The ceiling was replaced and the walls of the sanctuary were painted. There are still a few items we are hoping to improve or replace over the next few years, such as  painting behind the altar and replacing the existing carpeting.
(click on thumbnail pictures below and full version will open)
Sanctuary before remodeling began.Sanctuary before remodeling began.Scaffolding used to replace the ceiling.Church Services were held in Fellowship Hall while the remodeling was in progress.Church Services were held in Fellowship Hall while the remodeling was in progress.Service held in Sanctuary after the remodel project completed.Ceiling and Painting in the Sanctuary completed.Ceiling and Painting in the Sanctuary completed.Ceiling and Painting in the Sanctuary completed.
2018 LWML Sunday
September 30, 2018
LWML Sunday was held on September 30. A quilt blessing was offered, with quilts displayed and parishioners praying for the quilts that we send to Lutheran World Relief and other places, so that God's peace and mercy may be received by those who get them. 270 quilts were made and tied by the ladies of St. John. There were also 171 School Kits and numerous Health Kits put together with items collected from our congregation.
(click on thumbnail pictures below and full version will open)
270 Quilts displayed made by the St.John Ladies.LWML Sunday blessing of the Quilts.