(The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod)
Alma, Kansas
A family united by faith in Christ gathering around God's Word and Sacraments.
To reach out in Christ-like concern and Christ-borne love to each other and to those without Christ!
Pastor: Rev. Robert W. Grimm

Pastor Bob Grimm is a farm boy who loves the rural community of Alma, and the people who live there.  He has been a pastor at St. John since 1997, and wants the love of Jesus Christ to make a difference!  His wife Gayle helps as a part-time aide at St. John School.
Church Secretary: Janet Wertzberger

Janet Wertzberger is the Head Parish Nurse for St. John Lutheran Church. Janet was raised in the Alma Community and currently is also employed as the church secretary.
Financial Secretary: To be appointed

Treasurer: Diana Rubottom

Diana Rubottom became the Treasurer for St. John in 2004 and still currently holds this position.  She resides in the Alma Community.

Custodians: Phillip and Barbara Theel

Phillip and Barbara Theel have been very actively involved in the church for many years. As well as his custodian duties, Phillip is currently the Bible School Superintendent. Barbara served as the Church Secretary for many years. 
Meet the Staff
School Faculty and Staff

Click on the Link above to go to the
School Website to view their
faculty and staff.
Chairman of the Congregation

Ervan Stuewe has lived in the Alma Community for his entire life. He's retired from owning and operating the Alma Signal Enterprise newspaper.