January meeting – We began by choosing a chairman and secretary for the elders. Don Frank was selected as chairman and Tim Songs as secretary.
Pastor and elders continued to go through our devotional.
We set up a list of communion assistants and Ray Howard as elder for baptisms. We divided up the giving envelopes and hand-delivered them. We continue to reach out and pray for our non-attending members.
Alliance Defending Freedom sent us information to go over for job descriptions, marriage policy, and building use policy.
We, as elders, hosted an Easter breakfast. It raised $861 which was given to Christ Lutheran Church in Manhattan.
In-home visits were started with Pastor, but we postponed this after Pastor’s health issue.
A request was received from Lutheran High School in Parker, Colorado, to have a choir concert at St. John. We hosted a three-seasons concert on December 3rd.
Pastor addressed our local school about not having events on Wednesday evenings.
Mission Sunday, December 10th, we had a guest preacher, Rev. Mark Moss.
We also had talks with Trinity of McFarland on possibilities of helping them fill the pulpit. They have since moved in another direction in trying to accomplish this. We will continue to keep them in our prayers and help in any way we can.
It has surely been a busy and interesting year, but we know who is in control of it all.
To God be the Glory,
Don Frank, Chairman
We have been blessed with God’s gifts throughout 2023. The Board of Trustees worked to use our gifts from God to maintain and upgrade our Church and School. The following projects were completed throughout the year:
Continued landscaping of grounds, including new plants, trimming of shrubs, weed control and new landscaping rock
Overseeding of grass at the playground area of the school
Tuning of all pianos and the organ
Installing a new flag pole at the school
Installing a new roof covering at the school
Installing asphalt chips to expand the west parking area
Repair of a large pothole in the church parking lot
Let us continue to be thankful for all that the Lord provides for our Church and School. May we also continue to utilize the talents and gifts that he continually bestows on us throughout the coming year. If you would like to help with Church or School work, please contact the Trustees as we continue to spread the Gospel.
In His service,
Dale Petersen, Chad Breiner, Jared Schultz
The duty of the Stewardship Board includes informing St. John congregation members concerning the gifts that have been given to support the work and upkeep of our congregation. Our church mission statement says that we are “a family united by faith in Christ gathering around God’s Word and Sacraments to reach out in Christ-like concern and Christ-borne love to each other and to those without Christ!”
As Saints and Priests of God we budget our tithes and offerings to ensure that we…
have a preacher who preaches the life-saving and life-giving Word of God;
support the professional church workers who teach our school children;
contribute to the mission work in various ways and
support all who work to ensure that our facilities are maintained.
How are we to support God’s work in the Church? The New Testament gives us four principles of giving…
1. Voluntarily and cheerfully. 2. Our first fruits. 3. Proportionally. 4. Faithfully.
We ask our members to support the God given work we are here to do. The Board thanks all who assist us in accomplishing our duties and pray that His kingdom’s work be done.
In His service,
Your Stewardship Board, Stacy Dreibelbis, Paula Moege, and Dawn Yonke
Financial Secretary, Ryan Theel
The Board was busy planning, and overseeing Christian education for our congregation. Here are the highlights of our year:
-A pastor performance review was conducted, and results discussed.
-A successful game night was held on February 19th.
-Confirmands continued to have their mentor program, meeting monthly during Wednesday confirmation classes.
-VBS was once again a huge success, and was held May 23rd and 24th. An end of the summer pool party was held to celebrate.
-Pastor taught a 6-week adult Bible study, “Everyone Your Witness.”
-Bruce and Kathy Schultz started an in home, small group, book study class.
-We are also actively looking for a youth leader to lead Teens for Christ.
We will continue to look for creative ways to reach our congregation through Christian education.
The 2023 Board of Christian Education
Cheryl Buttenhoff, Kathy Cox, Kara Mayer, Rita Zeller, and Heather Orton
Thank you to the following for their help and support: Pastor Grimm, Cheryl Buttenhoff, Dennis Theel, Ashton Torrey, Chelsie Hutchinson, and Lisa Thompson. The dedication of the teachers is the strength of our Sunday School.
In Sunday School, we try to give the students time to experience the Bible stories and help them understand how Jesus will work in their life. We all need the continuing reminder of what Jesus has done for us. He is our Savior.
We welcome and ask you to come and be a part of the classes and activities inside and out. We had good attendance for the Easter egg activities, and the Sunday School picnic had 15 in attendance. They caught seven fish in about 45 minutes. (The fish were released to they will be bigger next year.)
Enjoy God’s Blessing,
Phillip Theel, S.S. Superintendent
Bible Classes were conducted on Sunday mornings. Rev. Grimm began and completed a study of the names of God. We did a video series: Christians in a Wolf World. On Thursday mornings, we returned to LifeLight and studied Ephesians, books of the, Apocrypha, and the book of Genesis. One course of Adult Information classes was held, with three members joining the church in November.
The theme for VBS in 2023 was Backstage with Jesus. Eighty-five children from the community learned about Christian living and day-to-day values. VBS was held on May 22nd & 23rd, from 9am -3pm. We had 23 youth leaders and 15 adults that helped with VBS this year by leading lessons, serving lunches, preparing snacks, and creating moments the children can treasure. We truly appreciate all the children and volunteers that participated, as well as the generosity of all those that donated in one way or another to make this possible.
Rita Zeller, Director
The mission of St. John Lutheran School is to provide a foundation in Jesus Christ
and to develop the God-given talents of learning.
The start of our school’s 150th year was exciting and momentous in a number of ways …
First, we successfully completed our search for a new Kindergarten-First Grade Teacher, bringing Mrs. Mindy Miller-Sanders into the team in August. Mindy brings a great deal of experience, passion for learning, love of children, and energy to the staff. For the first time in several years, we believe the staff is set for the foreseeable future; thanks be to God!
Second, we opened the school’s anniversary year with worship in the school gymnasium, followed by a catered meal in the Fellowship Hall. What a great opportunity to remember and celebrate! Most importantly at this service, Pastor baptized four of our students. Our next anniversary event follows in February 2024, when we invite the Congregation to join us for lunch in the school to celebrate the building’s 70th birthday.
Third, we added bus service to Wamego, bringing a full-load of children from Mt. Calvary and other churches to school every day. This initiative is only possible through the generosity of the Congregations at both St. John and Mt Calvary. It is very appreciated by our parents.
Fourth, with the help of a Herren Memorial Fund Matching Facility Improvement Grant, the Congregation, and the Parent-Teacher League, the School received a new roof. Given the age of our building, replacing the roof, to protect the structure and contents of the building was essential. We appreciate the work of the Trustees to undertake this project.
And finally, we began a conversation with the Kansas District (LCMS) and local legislators about challenging the State of Kansas to recognize National Lutheran Schools Accreditation and eliminating the need for us to pursue state accreditation. This is an important step to preserving our integrity as a Lutheran school and eliminating duplicative work, while also protecting our teachers and their professional opportunities.
God Bless our School and thank you – the Congregation – for your continued support,
Jim MacGregor,
Chairman, School Board
To provide a foundation in Jesus Christ and develop the God given talents of learning.
2023-24 School Year Theme: 

“Connected” John 15:1-5
New Staff: Mrs. Mindy Miller joined our staff at the beginning of the summer and she has had a tremendous impact during her first semester! Mrs. Miller brings years of experience as both a teacher and an administrator in the public school system. She is an excellent teacher and has been a great team member on our staff. Thank you, Lord!
KESA Accreditation: Our five-year accreditation cycle with the state of Kansas is complete! With the onset of COVID restrictions in March of 2020, the accreditation cycle was extended to June of 2021 and then again to June of 2022, and finally to May of 2023. Our OVT (On sight Visitation Team) spent time per day with Mr. Butler in April of 2023. The 3 member team (public school administrators) was a tremendous help in preparing the forms and documentation needed to make our case for accreditation to the ARC (Accreditation Review Committee) in Topeka. We received documentation of our approval by the Kansas State Board of Education in October.
New Students: The 2023-24 school year’s enrollment currently stands at 43 students (Kindergarten through 8th grade). We have had an above average number of student transfers, both in and out, during the first semester. New students include: Easton Dudek (K), James Hurla (K), Reshawn Hurla (K), Lily McClusky (K), Blakelea Runnebaum (K), Eleanor Swicegood (K), Kylee McClusky (1), Kathran McClusky (2), Dallas Winkler (7) and Emma Seele (8 – returning).
Chapel Projects: Every Wednesday, we have Chapel in the sanctuary – please join us for any of our upcoming services. The 2022-2023 2nd semester projects were “Hearts for Jesus”(LCMS Kansas District) and Lutheran Bible Translators. The chapel offerings for the first semester of the 2023-24 school year were designated for the LAMP (Lutheran Association of Missionaries and Pilots) and MOST (Mission Opportunities Short Term).
2022-2023 Academic Awards: 90% Church Attendance Sienna Bruning(K), Maggie Hurla (1), Jace Prater (K), Finnley Bruning (2), Sam Hurla (3), Brayden Thornton (8). Honor Roll – Kalvin Lynch (8th), Megan Piper (8th), Ava Viergever (8th), Lucas Viergever (7th), Ava Shannon (7th), Kameron Moege (6th), Eli Wertzberger (6th), Teddy Walton (5th), Alex Glotzbach (5th), Anna Debler (4th), Baylee Howard (4th), Allison Hurla (4th), Haley Shannon (4th),Ellinor Pfannenstiel (4th), Kooper Runnebaum (3rd), Sam Hurla (3rd), Brynn Anderson (3rd), Myka Manor (3rd). Helping Hands Award – Madeline Mayer, Brynn Anderson, Kota McKinven, Megan Piper.
Children’s Christmas Service: For the 150th school year we dipped into the past and presented a service that was originally done in the 1990’s. The students presented Messianic prophecies from Old Testament characters and John the Baptist to open the eyes of a reluctant student. Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Miller and Pastor Grimm led the program while Kim Herren accompanied on piano.
Thrivent Choice Dollars: We continue to receive “Choice Dollars” from a program sponsored by Thrivent. These donations have helped to fund the lunch program, the AIDE position and other projects. Thank you very much for remembering, helping with, and blessing the ministry of St. John Lutheran School.
Goals: Goals for the year 2023-24 continue to include: 1) increasing enrollment from St John, Trinity, and Mt. Calvary (Wamego) congregations, the city of Alma, Wabaunsee county, and the surrounding area; 2) being a pathway for the spiritual growth of students AND their families; 3) expanding our use of technology to enhance the learning environment for all students and 4) updating and improving the school grounds.
150th Anniversary Celebrations: We kicked off the 150th year of SJLS by holding church in the school gym complete with four student baptisms in late August! Our pork chop supper in early November continued the celebration with a silent auction. Our final two celebrations will take place in February (70th) birthday for the school building) and June. We are truly blessed by our Lord and Savior to have shared His gospel with students and families for the past 150 years!
Principal Harmon Butler