(The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod)
Alma, Kansas
A family united by faith in Christ gathering around God's Word and Sacraments.
 To reach out in Christ-like concern and Christ-borne love to each other and to those without Christ! 
Parish Report
State of the Parish

2024 Connected to Jesus

“And the king stood by the pillar and made a covenant before the LORD, to walk after the LORD and to keep his commandments and his testimonies and his statutes with all his heart and all his soul, to perform the words of this covenant that were written in this book. And all the people joined in the covenant.” 2 Kings 23:3

What is the way in which your family celebrates the past? Do you make up new ways to commemorate your blessings, or do you live out traditions that were handed to you? 

People should rejoice in the mercies of God! God’s truths still guide us. The Israelites around King Josiah had found that God had spoken to them, and they were amazed by all that he had done, and which, by the way, they had forgotten. Josiah the King, when he heard the words of God, made promises to honor Him. He wanted, with heart and soul, to do as God desired. And the people joined with him. They were connected to the words of their leader, and by the words of their God. 

This year, we remember that we are connected to our God, and that we have been for the 150 years we have had a parochial school. The school celebrates its sesquicentennial, so we recognize instruction and service in the name of Jesus Christ. We teach God’s truth, just as King Josiah proclaimed centuries earlier. We are connected to God by His teachings, and we are connected to His people as we carry forward those commands and live by those promises of God

Yet, we live in a community of mostly unchurched people, our connections to God commend us to have connections with others whom He loves. We have the Gospel of Jesus Christ to share. Since nearly 2/3 of our citizens do not claim a church, we have plenty to do. Because of Christ we love them with the Gospel, and we seek to introduce and welcome them to His saving graces.

Our focus on godly connections cause us, at St. John, to strive to be:

A family united in faith in Christ gathering around God's Word and Sacraments
To reach out in Christ-like concern and Christ-borne love to each other and those without Christ! 

This year we celebrate our connections to God, even as we celebrate our connections to God’s people around us. We have events and special enthusiasm to look back and to look ahead. We continue to honor God, we pray to Him, we hear His Word, and we receive His blessings of life and eternal salvation. He is the power that unites us. Worship attendance, our devotional life, our prayers, and our obedience are the marks that reveal our faith. We rejoice to be His people.

This Annual Reports reveals God work among us. The celebrations of this coming year help us appreciate God’s blessings. God is among us, and we are blessed to know, honor, and serve Him through the efforts of God’s people here at St. John Lutheran Church. Thank you for all you do in the name of Christ, and thank you for all we do together as His Church in this community of faith.

Blessings in Christ!  
Pastor Grimm

Parish Report
Includes: Baptisms, Received Into or Removed From Communicant Membership, Vital Statistics of our Congregation, 
Attendance Record, Participation in the Sacrament of Holy Communion.

Other Parish Reports
Includes: Cemetery Superintendent's Report, Memorial Gift Suggestions, and Highlights from Voter's Meetings and Activities