(The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod)
Alma, Kansas
A family united by faith in Christ gathering around God's Word and Sacraments.
 To reach out in Christ-like concern and Christ-borne love to each other and to those without Christ! 

ENDURE: Hebrews 12:1-3

“Providing a foundation in Jesus Christ and to develop the God-given talents of learning.”

ASAP Always Stop And Pray

    I recently was walking the aisles of Goodwill in Manhattan. We were working on our retirement plan – small dollar finds in thrift stores that can be sold for millions (we watch too much Antiques Roadshow). I enjoy searching the cute wooden plaques with words of wisdom written on them – “Attitude is Everything, Pick a Good One” and “I (heart) Snow Days” are a couple of signs that adorn my classroom. It was during my meandering search that I came across a cute play on a well-known and often over used phrase in our hectic go-go-go society, ASAP. The sign I found said ASAP Always Stop And Pray and it will greet my students every time they approach my desk with a question, comment, complaint, or a simple story they want to share. In our hundred-mile-an-hour world, it is always good to remind ourselves and others to stop and pray during the good, the bad, and the ugly moments of life. I’m hoping students combine ASAP and Attitude is Everything more often than they combine ASAP and I (heart) Snow Days.

LIBRARY: The library/media center is getting a much-needed facelift this summer. New flooring and furniture are being installed in the late June early July time period. In the fall, after school has resumed, we plan to explore our next step to improve the functionality, safety and aesthetics of our facilities. It is my desire to include all stakeholders of SJLS (parents, congregation, community members) in the exploration and planning for the future of SJLS. We want and need the input from our stakeholders, church members, school parents, and supporters.

PARADE: Weather permitting (last year it was unbearably hot) we are planning an entry into the county fair parade. Look for more info in mid-July.


    I hope everyone is enjoying their summer break with some fun in the sun, family vacations, and just getting extra rest before school resumes in August. Some up-coming summer projects that I am currently working on include reorganizing of my classroom, reviewing curriculum, creating new bulletin boards for the upcoming school year, and some touch-up painting in the classroom.
    So far this summer, I have spent most of my time with medical check-ups, spending time visiting with my mother out at the farm, and spending time with grandchildren. I have been spending most of my time in Abilene, KS with my youngest grandsons, and I will be going on some visits to Plainville, Kansas to visit my granddaughters at the end of the month.
    I find summer to be a busy time for projects, family time, reflection, and rejuvenation. In the midst of all these busy times, what I enjoy most is the quiet times I have to focus on God and his Word. It is a time to reflect on the many blessings I have received from God; my family, my friends, and the community of St. John Lutheran School and Church.
    I look forward to another blessed year with the students, families, staff, and members of St. John Lutheran Church in August. Enjoy the rest of your summer.
In all things, trust the Lord,
Mrs. Greene

​WAMEGO BUS: We are looking for bus drivers and substitute drivers in August for our bus route to Mt. Calvary in Wamego. Morning routes leave SJLS at 6:30 and return at 7:30. Afternoon routes leave SJLS at 3:30 returning by 4:30. One day a week, one morning, one afternoon, or fill-in as a sub when needed, all drivers are appreciated!


FIREWORKS: PTL will again be running a Fireworks stand during the week of July 4th (Monday thru Thursday). We are at the same location as last year – the Dillon’s (East location) parking lot. Last year PTL raised over $4,000. Use the following to sign up to help https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4BABA922A6FCC16-50108362-fireworks.

In This Month's
St. John Witness
The Eagle Cry