(The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod)
Alma, Kansas
A family united by faith in Christ gathering around God's Word and Sacraments.
To reach out in Christ-like concern and Christ-borne love to each other and to those without Christ!
January 5 In the Beginning Was Dialogue
Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler
Do you need more faith? Then you need the Word. Faith comes from hearing the Word of Christ. (Jn 1:1)
January 12 What's This Neighborhood Coming To?
Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler
When you're not limited by the size of your table, you can invite everyone. (John 1:14)
In This Month's
St. John Witness
The Lutheran Hour
THE LUTHERAN HOUR® radio program proclaims the salvation story of Jesus every week on more than 1,800 stations, but is no longer on WIBW. It is heard from satellite radio, on the American Forces Network, and over the Internet. Visit
Station City Frequency Day Time
KCLY Clay Center 100.9 FM Sun 7:30 AM
Bott Radio Silver Lake 92.5FM Sun 8:00 AM
K291BA Manhattan 106.1 FM Sun 8:00 AM
KSAL Abilene 1150 AM Sun 8:00 AM
KANS Emporia 96.1 FM Sun 10:00 AM
KCLY Clay Center 100.9 FM Sun 9:30 PM
January 19 He Made Me a Believer
Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler
God makes us believers and the more we believe, the more we become involved in the institutions God made--church, marriage, family, and work. (Jn 2:11)
January 26 Overture to the Greatest Story Ever
Guest Speaker: Rev. Dr. Leopoldo Sanchez
Like an overture that introduces a great musical work, John the Baptizer is the living voice sent by God to bear witness to Jesus' lordship and salvation. (John 3:26-36)
LUTHERAN PUBLIC RADIO: Listen when you want at or
DEFENDING THE FAITH, teaching the truth... Issues, Etc. is a talk radio show hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken and produced by Lutheran Public Radio. Listen when you want at
LUTHERAN PUBLIC RADIO: Listen when you want at or
DEFENDING THE FAITH, teaching the truth... Issues, Etc. is a talk radio show hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken and produced by Lutheran Public Radio. Listen when you want at
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Daily devotions:
KFUO Radio, the broadcast voice of The LCMS, shares Christ for you anytime, anywhere on, with worship services, Bible and theology studies, practical talk programs, and sacred music. Find programs on demand at or @KFUOradio on Facebook or Twitter.
KFUO Radio, the broadcast voice of The LCMS, shares Christ for you anytime, anywhere on, with worship services, Bible and theology studies, practical talk programs, and sacred music. Find programs on demand at or @KFUOradio on Facebook or Twitter.